[Asec] Upcoming ASEC Conference

Bailey, Heather L hbail2 at uis.edu
Fri Jan 21 22:40:48 UTC 2022

Dear Colleagues—

Planning is underway for the 9th biennial ASEC conference to be held at the Blackwell Inn and Pfahl Conference Center at Ohio State University, November 3-5, 2022. We anticipate having a reception Thursday evening, two days of conference sessions on Friday and Saturday, a keynote address Friday evening, and a banquet on Saturday evening to close out the conference. Specifics about the keynote speaker and a call for papers will be forthcoming.

We need to sign the contract by the end of this month. For planning purposes, we need to know how many rooms to reserve at the Blackwell Inn. Conference participants are responsible to pay for their accommodations ($162 per night), but if we reserve more rooms than necessary, we and our partners, the Hilandar Research Library and Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies at OSU, could incur financial liability.

If you are likely to attend the conference, please answer the questions on this very short survey<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6sPglaP32TUmHPw__;!!KGKeukY!mEtKYMkSUlkYmTJOItkilkDOJFARbkxVma_fOJEziwq1EQLDggMjFNOZhcsXqe-bC0o$> by noon on Wednesday January 26. It will only take a minute of your time. We understand that your plans may change between now and November, but we need to know whether to reserve a room for you at the Blackwell.

Thank you for your help with this.

The ASEC Executive Board

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