Welcome to ASEC!
The Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture (ASEC) is a scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the study of Eastern Christian history and culture. To this aim, ASEC seeks to encourage scholarship and research, advance effective teaching at all levels of education, promote publication and the dissemination of knowledge through the organization of meetings and conferences, and foster closer communication and facilitate the exchange of ideas. Membership in the Association is open to individuals having a professional scholarly interest in any aspect of Eastern Christian history and culture and who fulfill at least two of the following three criteria: 1) possession of advanced degree (at a minimum, MA or equivalent); 2) academic affiliation; 3) scholarly publications. Dues are $25 per year for regular members, $10 per year for students. Beginning in 2005, ASEC has sponsored six biennial conferences and is planning the seventh for 2017.
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